Friday, October 6, 2017

Manja & Annoying

There is a fine line between being manja and annoying.

Dont want to explain more on this.

You guys could figure it out.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Me getting married?

YES. I think i'm going married soon. LULZ.

Never thought this day would come.
Called my mom while waiting for my food during dinner time.
Then she just mentioned on this.

It is going to happen eventually isn't?

if you are wondering why i'm still awake this late.

I'm drafting my wedding expenses. THEY ARE FUCKING EXPENSIVE.
around RM 60k? it cost us a lot of money. there are still some other things i didnt put into the budget cause it was already too much.

well i still have some time before arriving to that money-consuming-things

ALLAH! Help me in this. Let this be easy and smooth. Let this arrangement be blessed in this world and after.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Moving to a new place

Don't mess with Melaka.

Been transferred here for about 3 days.
It starts good. New role on OCM really excites me.
Pls be noted that i am sick with tendering.

Overall, the office was good. the workload seems manageable. Good collegue in OCM i.e. Quen, Thim and Aiman.

Hopefully, this positive vibes keep going as long as im here.


Monday, March 27, 2017

what is wrong with you - 20 years old me.

what the fuck is wrong with younger version of me.
dude. just shut the fuck up.

do something useful. write anything meaningful.
people wont get anything with that kinda of write up.

i bet everyone would get ashamed with their younger self.
100% sure.

what were they thinking doing that. doing this.

how foolish.

but it is how it is. i dunno what happen during this there and then. but i guess maturity work its magic.
people matured and broaden their perspective.
result: better person as a whole. #i hope so#

i doubt people is into blogging anymore.
i might as well keeping this blog as my personal diary.
dont have that much followers anyway. lulz.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


well..aku dh lame nk g induction camp nie....
dlu 1st sem aku xdpt join coz fullhouse....
last sem plak sbb aku xtw pape pon....
at last, bujang hine join induction camp rmai2....
really syok...
no joke...

at first...
itorg kn dgr taklimat a few days before gerak....
at that point aku knl "PRA TOM"...
sempoi giler die nie beb....
die dpt tw je aku dak MC tros kutuk....

kitorg dpt brg2 tuk dbawa....
ade la brg2 ckit kitorg kene bawak....

b4 that...
kitorg di agihkan grup....
aku grup ngn ezul...
yg laen terpisah....
tp xpe la....
ok gak dpt knl org baru....
asek dak bujang hine je....
dh naek boring pon ade....

on the way to ulu licin...
aku dok ngn gen dlm bas,,
ade la yg naek kete gen....
tp kitorg prefer naek bas....
baru la syok....
kitorg karok n ktuk2 dak laen....
bab cmnie, gen paling otai....
tp kitorg xtido pon dlm bas....
ade bdak terhantok kpala la....
lah ckp pajero la....
smpai campsite dlm wktue mgrib....
kitorg set camp even camp dh rosak pon....

but then,...
ktorg tukar khemah....
aku,gen,botak n razol under one roof....
smue pon siap2 nk solat....
air sungai mmg syok...
aku smyg isyak n mgrib skali gus....
fatwa maner ntah aku ikut...
adnan yg suh bwt tros....
aku pe g....
lyan je la....
mlm tue ade la nite trakking....
jln dlm grup....
tp gen lpak ngn aku....
mmg xbleyh nk pisah.,,
nk bwt cmne....
kutuk2 tipah jap(aisyah sakinah)...

stop kat utan jap...
dak2 senior pon citer la pngalamn diorg....
mmg feeling....
dh la tgh2 utan....
style gak la....
amir mmg pndai ckp...
x abes die je yg ckp....
kitorg pon gerak balik campsite....
oleh kerana aku jd team leader...
aku pon suh la grupmate aku rebus mee hun...
tuk dimasak esok nye,,,,

at that nite...
kitorg maen poker dlm khemah ain...
dak final year....
pmpn but sempoi abes....
die byk mng...
beginner's luck....
dlm maen2 tue....
gen ajak msk maggie....
aku pon lyan je....
msk la maggie tue....
dh la dpt mkn maggie...
pastue dpt mkn roti marjerin....
sdap nk mmpos....
dlm utan kan....
ingat sng ke nk dpt....

b4 tido...
mkn lg...
udin balak wani cv ajak lpak....
dpe la mkn cucur....
sume kecek kalante aku dgr....
lantak la....
then, tido....

2nd day....
ade org kejot aku....
nk tw sape??...
mnah kepoh bername TIPAh....
ade ke jerit2 kat camp aku....
dh xtahan sgt aku pon bgun....
tggu dak pmpn abes buang ajat....
subuh pon jd subuh dinosaur....
lmbap nk mmpos....

pas smyg....
stat la masak mee hun tue.,...
amir assist....
frankly speaking.....
xsdap lgsung....
tp lapar nyer psl....
mkn la gak....
aku sempat pau grup laen nyer...
awesome shal....
cilakak tol....
kalo aku la msk aritue...
konpem klh chef 2 laen....


pas abes mkn....
kitorg kene pack brg...
tukar campsite.....
sbb askar nk gune tmpat tue....
mlm td pon dh dgr clearance diorg....
style giler diorg tembak2....

b4 gerak....
kitorg di introduce dgn some seniors yg dh keje....
kalo x silap ade 3-4 org kot....
yg paling aku respek....
dak yg keje jat rusia....
ade schlumberger....
5no siot gaji....
pas seniors dh knl kan diri....
turn kitorg plak....

kene kat aku plak....
"nama saya mohamad shuhaidi"...
"asal kota tinggi"...
"sek lama MCKK"....
"mende yg sy pk adalah rokok"...
pastue gen yg lancau tue suh aku sebot "R",,,,
pantek anjeng nye bdak....
diorg suh aku sebot gak....
aku pon dgn slmber sebot R dgn lidah trebelit....

pas abes mende tue plak...
kitorg kene jungle trekking...
redah sungai la....
pacat la....hahaha....
pra tom nk ltak batu kat beg aku coz beg aku kecik....
xdpt cheq!!!....
last2 midah yg kene....
xtw la plak batu beso ke x....
yg pntg aku slamt,,,,
cm bese aku lpak ngn gen....
ade nyanyi2 ckit....
aku,gen,lam n jonsen kat blkg skali....
bleyh bwt hal sndiri....
lame giler jln....
ikut kan ati aku....
ade je nk sprint lari....

stelah berjam jln....
akhir nye jumpe destinasi yg best...
air terjon ntah bape meter....
lawa giler....
agak berbaloi jln lame2....
air terjon 1st aku xnk mandi dlu....
mls nk jln basah2.....

tp biler jmpe air trjon 2nd....
sape tahan tgk org mandi syok2....
aku tros join....
syok giler,....
pas mndi...time 4 upselling (ntah btol ke x ejaan nie)...
lmbap cm tohee jek dak2 pmpn bwt....

smbil tggu tue....
aku dgr citer pratom pnjat gunung tahan....
mmg style abes....
agak sakit...
tp tue yg bwt aku eager nk join lg aktiviti kmbara nie....
baru la laki....

setelah penat karaoke n sembang2....
time tuk last grup....
kitorg dh xlarat sgt nk tggu....
pe lg...
bwt sndirik ar....
tanpa glove n spender pape tue....
dh smpai bwh kitorg nmpak ayie,adnan n amir ngh tggu yg laen....
ade yg balik naek keta....
but some of us decide nk jln kaki jek g campsite.....
smbil jln...kitorg pe lg....
memekak ar....
amek gmbar ckit2.....

mlm tue kene bwt persembahan.....
aku nyer grup je x kene denda....
mybe sbb 1st kot....
kitorg bwt tarian pocho2 ngn tarian izumi....
esok nyer....
xde pape sgt...
cume aku lpak2 ngn grupmate smbil msk cucur....
awesome giler....

flying fox,aku xbwt coz dak2 laen xbwt gak....
time set up mende tue...
ade sorg bomba injured.....
dgr citer mmg trok....

Thursday, February 5, 2009


today's class was pretty sux...
siap tertido g dlm kelas sp....
dh 2 mlm b4 nie aku xdpt tido lena...
asek bgun pgi2 bute....
then xdpt nk tido.....
at last...aku dpt tido mlm smlm....
maybe bcoz of that person.....
we had a crucial fite...
but then...
tq to bini en abd manaf....
die tkar fkiran....
then...after sp lab....
aku tido dgn lena nye dlm bilik lam n aiman....
seriously bilik die sjok wktue siang2....
bilik aku plak dh mcm oven dh....
panah nk mmpuh....
dlam lena aku tido....
seorg minah dtg....
pe la....
jadi la tido yg paling dinantikan oleh sorg llaki.....
mimpi basah la....
pe lg....
yg pelik nye.....
tido ptg pon bleyh mimpi basah cmtue ke....
then aku tw la sbb nye,,,,,
rupe2 nye,,,,
ade la seorg mmber dok syok lyan "somethg"...
ptut la aku mimpi best.....
mybe ade influence kot....
at nite....
paz abeh je maen futsal jap kat court v1...
aku tros mkn ngn ed,ayie,jonson, n madli....
bukak pose la....
tue yg pnat smcm jek....
n at 10.30....
g cafe v2....
ade briefing ckit psl induction camp...
n aku lpak2 ngn dak grup aku yg laen....
aku,ezul n dak foundation yg laen....
aku kutuk kaw2 kat minah nie...
tp aku bg name tipah....
sbb name die mmg dh kmpung pon....
lawa gak woo muke die.....
ingat nk tackle....
but I have someone n somebody....
no need to find more at this point....
tp kalo dh dpt trpakse trime gak....
aku dpt jd grup leader....
fucking rahman.....
sbb die select aku cmtue jek....
wlpon xde pape...
responsibilty is a burden....
huh...kene gak trime....
bukan ssah pon....
after that,,,,
lpak bilik n tros ke salam....
n mcm bese la.....
rbtm n teh tarek....
awesome giler rbtm diorng....
plan nk bwt wktue kat camp t....
tgk la nnti....
p/s: find out more about my camping after this...
juz wait n read....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hurm...what to start?!....
well...At first, I think this blogging is just meaningless....
But soon, I found out blogging is some interesting stuff to to....
no wonders my frenz like it damn much.....

I hope by througing this blogging....
I manage to get something good in me....
I hope all the readers enjoy it....

"Dengan ini...saya, mohamad shuhaidi...merasmikan blog ini dengan membakar sebatang rokok..."....